
Electronic Location:
Loop 2300
"Claim Information"


Medisoft pulls these dates in order of the information below from top to bottom.

Medisoft Location for Paper Claims

Box 15

Other Date. The information comes from one of several date fields on the Case window. The actual qualifier and date is determined by which of the completed date fields the system finds first, in the order listed below. If the wrong date is printing here, you may need to clear other date fields before printing. 454 Initial Treatment This date come from the Case window, Condition tab, Initial Treatment Date. 304 Latest Visit or Consultation This date comes from the Case window, Miscellaneous tab, Date Last Seen. 453 Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition This date comes from the Case window, Miscellaneous tab, Date of Manifestation. 439 Accident This date comes from the Case window, Condition tab, Illness/Injury/LMP Date, when Related to accident is set to Yes. 455 Last Xray This date comes from the Case window, Condition tab, Last X-Ray Date. 471 Prescription This date comes from the Case window, Miscellaneous tab, Prescription Date. 090 Report Start This date comes from the Case window, Condition Tab, Date Assumed Care. 091 Report End This date comes from the Case window, Condition Tab, Relinquished Care Dates